Friday, June 30, 2006


I've been speeding along with another jacket for Steven, Calum from Kim Hargreaves 'A Season's Tale'. It seemed to be rather on the small side so last night I measured it and him, both 32inch chest so it would be a very snug fit. Therefore it is off to the frog pond. Luckily, this is all I've done so far. I think I'll start again with a sleeve, which is in rib, as a change from stocking stitch.

A very tall poplar has been overshadowing my garden for several years but the other morning, a man in an orange hat with a chain saw was halfway up and gradually the view became this --------

-----so now my, admittedly very tiny, vegetable patch can get some light and air and hopefully become productive again.

Monday, June 26, 2006


Not much time to blog in the past week as it has been pretty hectic.
I had a good telling off at the Diabetic clinic on Wednesday as my blood sugar is too high and I need to lose weight. Also my eye examination showed some changes which luckily are still reversible so it is wake up time, strict adherence to the diet and more exercise.
Now for more pleasant matters. Sarah Bernhart is being her usual blowsy self in the garden. Blooming later than most Peonies, she always manages to droop over nearby plants.

I don't have much success with roses for some reason and the ones I do have are bashful and prefer to bloom on the far side of the fence. All except for Albertine which always puts on a good show, maybe because it was grown from a cutting on its own roots.

Earlier in the week, we visited the annual flower festival at the local Parish church. The theme this year was weddings, and the 7th anniversary was represented by Wool.

It's a pity the knitting displayed wasn't more inspiring, a beautifully knitted shawl for example would have looked wonderful.

My knitting hasn't been particularly inspired this week either, just a few bits and pieces for charity and the inevitable sock, which caused some interest at the hospital.

Here are a couple more pictures from the flower festival.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


At last summer has arrived and was it only two weeks ago it was still winter? My shorts have been unearthed from the back of the drawer, and believe you me, they only see the light of day when it's really hot, and then only in the back garden, in private.

Not a lot on the needles at the moment. I've just sent a few baby knits off to Chris at Ray of Hope. I'm also making some squares for the Knitted River.The only stipulation is that they must be blue and six inches square, but you can use any yarn or pattern.

The garden is flourishing, or at least the weeds are! Star plant of the week is this Gladiolus Byzantinus. The original corm came from a friend's garden in Cornwall. Sadly, she has recently moved so I won't have the pleasure of visiting her beautiful garden again; but I have the plant to remind me of it. It appears to be multiplying and will probably eventually become a weed!

Monday, June 05, 2006


This uninvited guest visits my garden frequently. I probably wouldn't welcome him/her if I had lifestock to consider, but as I don't, I just enjoy seeing some wildlife.

I've been sitting outside enjoying a cup of coffee, watching a buzzard circling in the distance and frogs in the pool. This is only two miles from Wolverhampton city centre. A friend who lives in the country says I get more butterflies in my tiny plot than he does on his two acres, as he is surrounded by farmed land and the insecticide sprays reduce the number of insects.

I'm continuing knitting for Ray of Hope and should have a parcel ready to send off soon.

Here are some completed hats in various sizes. The little bob hats are very simple to make and adaptable for different yarns and needles.

Friday, June 02, 2006